 Smart Phone Isolation: Deseret Magazine, Eric Gillette Art Director.
 The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.
 Essay by a plant scientist about coping with the loss of an eye. Science Magazine
 Disinformation and Lies, Deseret Magazine
 Assessing Colleges. New York Times
 Compassion for the students. Science Magazine, 3/24/23
 Institutional bias in Medical School in spite of efforts toward diversity. Time Magazine
 The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine
 Colleges competing by branding: what makes them special. Harvard Magazine.
 Grading for Dollars, NY Times
 The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.
 Dreamer: Science Magazine from Trumps first term.
 Your Money Column NYTimes 7/03/2022. Abortion, Federal government assistance vs. Sates.
 Kids, Social Media and the First Amendment: Deseret Magazine
Election rigging in Republican politics, Deseret Magazine.
 The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine
 Infinitely non repeating tile pattern. Quanta magazine
  Live Happy Magazine. I loved the shoes so much I took an unused sketch to finish...
 Work and Life is Messy, Science Magazine
 Finding your way out of depression, Science Magazine
 Community and friends support for health & happiness: Tricycle Magazine
 Third lab... just right. Science Magazine
 Paying Interns! NYTimes. This is what we ran…
 WSJ: Getting out of the home office.
 The Humanities provide the Moral and Philosophical Foundation of Character and Thought. Desert Magazine
 Oligarchs: Harvard Magazine
 Tricycle Magazine: Buddhism for everyone.
 Science: My encounter with a bear gave me the courage to face down the two legged kind.
 Zoom Era.
 Digital Privacy, WSJ, Unpublished, American Illustration Award Book Winner
 Nobody Listens to experts anymore
  Congress’s rescue bill  : Corona Response, NYTimes
 Pitzer College Cover, incorporating their tree logo. Pitzer College Magazine
 Trump’s Immigration policy: Middelbury College
 Here we are. Hartford Courant
 The State of Our Union… Middlebury College
 Looking Forward: Kiplingers. My 2020 Holiday card.
 Opera News
 Music over word! Opera News
 Opera News: Podcasts
 Level Field: Science
 Equifax Breach, NY Times
Squeeze on the middle class. WSJ.
 Middle Class Squeeze. WSJ
 New York Times: Merit Scholarship
 Diverse discussion. Harvard
 Enrichment hobby, Science Magazine
 Marquette Lawyer, criminality often starts with trauma. Sketch
 Direction. Science
 Science Magazine: Teaching about cancer- my own.
 Neubecker, Auf Deutsch
 The Wire
 Unused cover sketch- Marquette Lawyer, rehabbing  drug offense convicts.
 Kids chat. WSJ
 The wire: Online journal of US-China relations
 Science Magazine- Volunteer job!
 The coming Corona evictions: NYTimes
 Homework- WSJ
 Giving Small- NYTimes
 Income Disparity: NYTimes
 Kids Chat (Sketch) WSJ
 College & Covid: Monitor Magazine
 Science- Covid, Trump & my Visa
 Artificial Intelligence and College Admissions, NY Times
 Childcare at universities: Expensive to nonexistent. Science Magazine
 Sixties Week- Princeton Magazine
 Notre Dame Magazine: Ignoring expert, educated knowledge is the new normal. Why?
 American Psychological Association: Testifying in court.
Gay Marriage, American Psychological Association
 Science Magazine: Risk
 Opera News September ‘19 Issue. Trent Johnson, designer.
  Reevaluating Data: Science
 Opera News: Morbid introspection of modern American Opera.
 Sharing research online: Science
 School Library Journal: Kids talk. They’re smarter than you are.
 Writing about politics in 2019: LATimes
 Solitary for Children; Chicago Tribune
 Opera Stars! American University
 ‘Merica- Oberlin Magazine
 Federal Loan Backlog: NYTimes
 Opera News: Wagner’s Ring followers. It’s a cult.
 Search: American Academy of Science
 Bike rentals everywhere! Dallas Magazine
 Starbucks! Wall Street Journal
 Portable Freud; WSJ
 Taste! WSJ
 Out on a limb: Science
 White teacher, Black students: Science
 Real Estate 2022 The House Runs, Dallas Magazine
 Doctors and unhappy, complaining patients. Web MD.
 Teammate support, Science Magazine.
 Smart Phone Isolation: Deseret Magazine, Eric Gillette Art Director.

Smart Phone Isolation: Deseret Magazine, Eric Gillette Art Director.

 The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.

The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.

 Essay by a plant scientist about coping with the loss of an eye. Science Magazine

Essay by a plant scientist about coping with the loss of an eye. Science Magazine

 Disinformation and Lies, Deseret Magazine

Disinformation and Lies, Deseret Magazine

 Assessing Colleges. New York Times

Assessing Colleges. New York Times

 Compassion for the students. Science Magazine, 3/24/23

Compassion for the students. Science Magazine, 3/24/23


Cutting student loan debt. New York Times

 Institutional bias in Medical School in spite of efforts toward diversity. Time Magazine

Institutional bias in Medical School in spite of efforts toward diversity. Time Magazine

 The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine

The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine

 Colleges competing by branding: what makes them special. Harvard Magazine.

Colleges competing by branding: what makes them special. Harvard Magazine.

 Grading for Dollars, NY Times

Grading for Dollars, NY Times

 The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.

The decline of jury of your peers- over 90% of cases go to plea bargains. Marquette Lawyer, Fall 2023.

 Dreamer: Science Magazine from Trumps first term.

Dreamer: Science Magazine from Trumps first term.

 Your Money Column NYTimes 7/03/2022. Abortion, Federal government assistance vs. Sates.

Your Money Column NYTimes 7/03/2022. Abortion, Federal government assistance vs. Sates.

 Kids, Social Media and the First Amendment: Deseret Magazine

Kids, Social Media and the First Amendment: Deseret Magazine

Election rigging in Republican politics, Deseret Magazine.
Election rigging in Republican politics, Deseret Magazine.
 The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine

The Many Colors of America, Deseret Magazine

 Infinitely non repeating tile pattern. Quanta magazine

Infinitely non repeating tile pattern. Quanta magazine

  Live Happy Magazine. I loved the shoes so much I took an unused sketch to finish...

 Live Happy Magazine. I loved the shoes so much I took an unused sketch to finish...

 Work and Life is Messy, Science Magazine

Work and Life is Messy, Science Magazine

 Finding your way out of depression, Science Magazine

Finding your way out of depression, Science Magazine

 Community and friends support for health & happiness: Tricycle Magazine

Community and friends support for health & happiness: Tricycle Magazine

 Third lab... just right. Science Magazine

Third lab... just right. Science Magazine

 Paying Interns! NYTimes. This is what we ran…

Paying Interns! NYTimes. This is what we ran…

 WSJ: Getting out of the home office.

WSJ: Getting out of the home office.

 The Humanities provide the Moral and Philosophical Foundation of Character and Thought. Desert Magazine

The Humanities provide the Moral and Philosophical Foundation of Character and Thought. Desert Magazine

 Oligarchs: Harvard Magazine

Oligarchs: Harvard Magazine

 Tricycle Magazine: Buddhism for everyone.

Tricycle Magazine: Buddhism for everyone.

 Science: My encounter with a bear gave me the courage to face down the two legged kind.

Science: My encounter with a bear gave me the courage to face down the two legged kind.

 Zoom Era.

Zoom Era.

 Digital Privacy, WSJ, Unpublished, American Illustration Award Book Winner

Digital Privacy, WSJ, Unpublished, American Illustration Award Book Winner

 Nobody Listens to experts anymore

Nobody Listens to experts anymore

  Congress’s rescue bill  : Corona Response, NYTimes

Congress’s rescue bill : Corona Response, NYTimes



 Pitzer College Cover, incorporating their tree logo. Pitzer College Magazine

Pitzer College Cover, incorporating their tree logo. Pitzer College Magazine

 Trump’s Immigration policy: Middelbury College

Trump’s Immigration policy: Middelbury College

 Here we are. Hartford Courant

Here we are. Hartford Courant

 The State of Our Union… Middlebury College

The State of Our Union… Middlebury College

 Looking Forward: Kiplingers. My 2020 Holiday card.

Looking Forward: Kiplingers. My 2020 Holiday card.

 Opera News

Opera News

 Music over word! Opera News

Music over word! Opera News

 Opera News: Podcasts

Opera News: Podcasts

 Level Field: Science

Level Field: Science

 Equifax Breach, NY Times

Equifax Breach, NY Times

Squeeze on the middle class. WSJ.
Squeeze on the middle class. WSJ.
 Middle Class Squeeze. WSJ

Middle Class Squeeze. WSJ

 New York Times: Merit Scholarship

New York Times: Merit Scholarship

 Diverse discussion. Harvard

Diverse discussion. Harvard

 Enrichment hobby, Science Magazine

Enrichment hobby, Science Magazine

 Marquette Lawyer, criminality often starts with trauma. Sketch

Marquette Lawyer, criminality often starts with trauma. Sketch

 Direction. Science

Direction. Science

 Science Magazine: Teaching about cancer- my own.

Science Magazine: Teaching about cancer- my own.

 Neubecker, Auf Deutsch

Neubecker, Auf Deutsch

 The Wire

The Wire

 Unused cover sketch- Marquette Lawyer, rehabbing  drug offense convicts.

Unused cover sketch- Marquette Lawyer, rehabbing drug offense convicts.

 Kids chat. WSJ

Kids chat. WSJ

 The wire: Online journal of US-China relations

The wire: Online journal of US-China relations

 Science Magazine- Volunteer job!

Science Magazine- Volunteer job!

 The coming Corona evictions: NYTimes

The coming Corona evictions: NYTimes

 Homework- WSJ

Homework- WSJ

 Giving Small- NYTimes

Giving Small- NYTimes

 Income Disparity: NYTimes

Income Disparity: NYTimes

 Kids Chat (Sketch) WSJ

Kids Chat (Sketch) WSJ



 College & Covid: Monitor Magazine

College & Covid: Monitor Magazine

 Science- Covid, Trump & my Visa

Science- Covid, Trump & my Visa

 Artificial Intelligence and College Admissions, NY Times

Artificial Intelligence and College Admissions, NY Times

 Childcare at universities: Expensive to nonexistent. Science Magazine

Childcare at universities: Expensive to nonexistent. Science Magazine

 Sixties Week- Princeton Magazine

Sixties Week- Princeton Magazine

 Notre Dame Magazine: Ignoring expert, educated knowledge is the new normal. Why?

Notre Dame Magazine: Ignoring expert, educated knowledge is the new normal. Why?

 American Psychological Association: Testifying in court.

American Psychological Association: Testifying in court.

Gay Marriage, American Psychological Association
Gay Marriage, American Psychological Association
 Science Magazine: Risk

Science Magazine: Risk

 Opera News September ‘19 Issue. Trent Johnson, designer.

Opera News September ‘19 Issue. Trent Johnson, designer.

  Reevaluating Data: Science

Reevaluating Data: Science

 Opera News: Morbid introspection of modern American Opera.

Opera News: Morbid introspection of modern American Opera.

 Sharing research online: Science

Sharing research online: Science

 School Library Journal: Kids talk. They’re smarter than you are.

School Library Journal: Kids talk. They’re smarter than you are.

 Writing about politics in 2019: LATimes

Writing about politics in 2019: LATimes

 Solitary for Children; Chicago Tribune

Solitary for Children; Chicago Tribune

 Opera Stars! American University

Opera Stars! American University

 ‘Merica- Oberlin Magazine

‘Merica- Oberlin Magazine

 Federal Loan Backlog: NYTimes

Federal Loan Backlog: NYTimes

 Opera News: Wagner’s Ring followers. It’s a cult.

Opera News: Wagner’s Ring followers. It’s a cult.



 Search: American Academy of Science

Search: American Academy of Science

 Bike rentals everywhere! Dallas Magazine

Bike rentals everywhere! Dallas Magazine

 Starbucks! Wall Street Journal

Starbucks! Wall Street Journal

 Portable Freud; WSJ

Portable Freud; WSJ

 Taste! WSJ

Taste! WSJ

 Out on a limb: Science

Out on a limb: Science

 White teacher, Black students: Science

White teacher, Black students: Science

 Real Estate 2022 The House Runs, Dallas Magazine

Real Estate 2022 The House Runs, Dallas Magazine

 Doctors and unhappy, complaining patients. Web MD.

Doctors and unhappy, complaining patients. Web MD.

 Teammate support, Science Magazine.

Teammate support, Science Magazine.