Linus & Huckleberry / by Robert Neubecker

Best letter ever:

Hello Robert,

My name is Kirsten and I just wanted to write you an email to tell you how much my baby boy, Huckleberry, loves Linus. My husband recently bought some children’s books on a vegan/vegetarian theme, because that is what our family is, and Linus is our absolute favorite! Huckleberry will be turning 1 year old on the 5th of August, so very very soon. He can only say Mamama (though I’m not sure he understands that is my title), and he just learned how to wave a couple days ago. Now, each time I come to the part where Ruth Ann says goodbye to Linus, Huckleberry waves when I read the word “goodbye.” It is so sweet, I nearly started to cry tonight. It’s just the first time I’ve seen him draw a connection like that, so it feels really special. Thank you for bringing joy to our story time! Linus is indeed a very popular dinosaur at our place!



Ps. Here’s a photo of Hucklesaurus from a little while ago, when he still fit his dinosaur romper.
